, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Washington Street Traffic Calming

Washington Street Traffic Calming

Project Background

  • In response to reports of speeding traffic and poor yield behavior, the City in partnership with the Bicycle Coalition of Maine has proposed testing traffic calming measures along Washington Street. 
  • The project will consist of gateway treatments located at crosswalks and on longer segments where crosswalks do not exist. The treatments will use white flex posts along the crosswalk where it meets the edge stripe and yellow delineators positioned where the centerline striping meets the crosswalk. 
  • Traffic calming measures will be placed on Washington Street at multiple crossings beginning at Rose St. and continuing south to Lemont St. 
  • The northern segment of Washington will have one gateway at the intersection at Pearl St. 

The following map marks the crossings where treatments will be placed.


  • The installations will seek to slow motorist traffic to the posted speed limit; speed studies will be conducted before and after treatments are in place. 


To provide feedback or share your concerns or questions please use the following form

Traffic Calming Feedback


General Information
Phone Numbers
207-443-8357 207-443-8201 (after hours)
Fax: 207-443-8352
Emergencies: Dial 911
450 Oak Grove Avenue

Monday - Friday
Office: 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Landfill: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM