, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Sidewalk Rehabilitation

Sidewalk Rehabilitation


The contractor has completed work on the west side of High St between Green Street and North Street.  Work then moved to the east side of Middle Street between Russell Street and Bath Street.  That work is wrapping up today.  The project is now complete.

In total, approximately 3,800 feet of existing sidewalk were rehabilitated.  The work included many areas of granite curb that were repaired, asphalt curb on Middle Street that was completely replaced with concrete curb, and many catch basin repairs.

We thank all the residents along the project sidewalks for their patience and cooperation during the work.  We believe the project was a success and hope to continue this type of rehabilitation work in the future.



UPDATE - AUGUST 24, 2023 

The contractor has completed work on Russell, High, and Washington Streets.  Work has now moved to High Street between North and Green Streets, on the west side.  Work is progressing southward from North St.   ADA ramps have been added at Bedford St.  Several stretches of granite curb have been reset.  A catch basin frame and cover has been replaced.  It is expected that paving of the prepared area will take place today.  Work will continue southward.

After the work on High St is completed the contractor will move the Middle Street, between Russell and Bath Streets, on the east side.  The curb and sidewalk will be replaced, and minor repairs will be made to several catch basins.  The start date for this work has not yet been determined but will be in the next few weeks.

JULY 21, 2023 - UPDATE - The contractor has completed excavating the existing sidewalk on High Street between Russell and Pine Streets.  The area has been base-paved and some of the surface pavement has been applied.  ADA compliant ramps have been created at Pine St., Palmer St., Russell St., and opposite Federal St. across High St.  Several sections of existing granite curb have been straightened and reinstalled.  Once this area has been fully surface-paved, work will move to the east side of Washington Street, between Pearl St. and Bowery St.



JULY 7, 2023 - UPDATE - The contractor has excavated the existing asphalt sidewalk along Russell St and placed the new asphalt base. On the corner of High St and Russell St, new ADA ramps have been placed and the area base-paved.  Work has proceeded south on High St with additional areas of poor existing sidewalk removed, curbing repairs performed, and base pavement placed.  Work will continue south on High St toward the end of this section at Pine St.



Project Background

The City of Bath has begun a project to make repairs to sidewalks in poor condition. The Public Works Department recently conducted a bid process and the work was awarded to St. Laurent and Son, a contractor from Lewiston, Maine. Construction began July 5th.

The work includes the removal and replacement of existing asphalt sidewalks and spot improvements and/or adjustments to various curb materials. 

Included in the project are portions of sidewalks in these areas:

  • East side of High Street – Pine Street to Russell Street
  • North side of Russell Street – High Street to a point approximately 275 feet easterly
  • East side of Washington Street – Pearl Street to a point approximately 240 feet north of Holly Street

Impacts on adjacent properties were evaluated during the project design. Small adjustments to lawn areas, gardens, stones, steps, walkways, etc. may be required. 

Updates of project progress will be posted on this page. Click here to view full project plan. 


All questions and comments can be directed to the Public Works Dept via phone at 207-443 8357 or using the form here.

General Information
Phone Numbers
207-443-8357 207-443-8201 (after hours)
Fax: 207-443-8352
Emergencies: Dial 911
450 Oak Grove Avenue

Monday - Friday
Office: 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Landfill: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM