, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Community Programs

Community Programs

Child Car Seat Installation: The Bath Police Department provides free installations of child car seats. We currently have one (1) officer certified to install them.  If you are interested, please contact Officer Devin Hook and make an appointment.

Sand Buckets for Seniors:  The Bath Police Department's "Sand Buckets for Seniors" program is made possible by the generous donation of buckets from local hardware stores and sand from Bath Public Works. If you or someone you know are a Bath resident, 65 or older and would like some sand for their walkway call our receptionist at 443-5563.

Good Morning Program:  If you are an older adult 60 years or older, disabled and live alone in Bath, then this is a perfect free program for you! This program allows you to call in every morning between 8am and 10am to check in.  If we don’t hear from you, we will call or stop by to make sure you are okay.  Learn more: Good Morning Program Application

Police Volunteers Program: The Bath Police Department utilizes volunteers to enhance existing police services and improve the efficiency of the organization. The Police Volunteers program is for citizens who wish to volunteer their time as non-sworn, non-paid members of the Department. Volunteers do not have any authority or duties that would consider them a police officer. They assist the department in non-law enforcement related tasks oriented towards our community policing efforts. Some such tasks are assisting with gathering data, such as traffic/speed studies, conducting property checks, assisting with parades or Heritage Days, Safety Day, or other community policing events. There is an application process and background check required for potential volunteers. Once selected, volunteers received training before being assigned volunteer tasks. 

Police Volunteers Program Application

Police Volunteers Program Handbook

For more information, contact our Deputy Chief at (207) 443-8339.

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 207-443-8343
Emergencies: Dial 911
250 Water Street

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM