, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Animal Control Officer

Animal Control Officer

Animal Control Division

Animal Control Officer: James McKnight

Contact Information: (207) 443-5563, ext. 4

Location: Bath Police Department: 250 Water Street, Bath


The City of Bath employs a full time Animal Control Officer (ACO) who handles approximately 800 animal calls each year. Incidents handled by the ACO include animals at large, noise complaints, injured animals, nuisance complaints and animal bites.

If a person encounters an animal they consider dangerous, they should immediately report the incident to the ACO through the Police Department. They should also seek immediate medical treatment or advice when needed.

Dog License Registration

Dog owners within the City of Bath are required to license their dogs in January of each year through the City Clerk’s Office. This is not only a State law, but it is also used as a means to control and identify dogs. It is also important to ensure that all dogs have received inoculations against rabies. Proof of rabies vaccination must be shown at the Clerk’s Office before issuance of a license. Click here to learn more about dog license registration. 

Animal Impoundment

If your pet has been impounded by the ACO, you may be asked to pay an impoundment fee. You can pay this fee at the Bath Police Department or online by clicking here*. Select ACO Impound Fees from the "Select Payment Item" menu.

*The City uses a third party provider, MuniciPAY, for this service. There is a min of a $1.50 or 2.5% processing fee, the same fee charged to those who pay at the office with a card.

Causes of Dog Nuisance:

  • Causing unreasonable noise, litter or property damage, the chasing of vehicles and the entry on school grounds while school is in session.
  • It is unlawful for any dog, licensed or unlicensed, to run at large, except for the purpose of hunting.
  • Dog owners can be fined for allowing their dogs to run in a pack.
  • Dog owners can be fined for allowing their dog to disturb the peace.
  • A dog in heat shall be kept confined or on a leash.
  • The person in control of a dog(s) within a city park, cemetery, or designated recreation area shall control dog(s) at all times by means of a leash.
  • Any feces deposited by any dog(s)in a city park, cemetery and designated recreation areas shall be immediately removed by the person in control of the dog(s) and disposed of in a safe and healthful manner.

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 207-443-8343
Emergencies: Dial 911
250 Water Street

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM