, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - South End Parking Permit Program

South End Parking Permit Program

The City of Bath Police Department implemented a South End Parking Permit Program on January 1, 2022, to help address parking and traffic issues as identified in the 2019 South End Transportation Study. The concept of this program is to limit street parking in the south end to residents only by changing current parking ordinances and issuing residential parking stickers to residents. Non-residents are only able to park on the street in those targeted areas (the south end of Bath from the Route 1 corridor south to Webber Ave.) for an hour or less.

Residential Parking Sticker Application
(Return the application and applicable materials to the Bath Police Department at 250 Water St. or email to parkingenforcement@cityofbath.com)

Background Documents

Proposed South End Parking Permit Zone (loaded 10/29/2021)

Draft List of Parking Restrictions (Clean) (loaded 10/29/2021)

Draft List of Parking Restrictions (With Edits) (loaded 10/29/2021)

Draft City Charter Chapter 17 (Clean) (loaded 10/29/2021)

Draft City Charter Chapter 17 (With Edits) (loaded 10/29/2021)

Draft Residential Parking Zones Ordinance (loaded 9/10/2021)

Public Meetings

The City of Bath Police Department hosted two public information meetings to seek input on the proposed program:

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 207-443-8343
Emergencies: Dial 911
250 Water Street

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM