Assessor | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8336 | Fax: 443-8389 |
Brenda Cummings | Assessor | bcummings@cityofbath.com | |
Jason Marshall | Assistant Assessor | jmarshall@cityofbath.com | |
Bath Community Television | 4 Sheridan Rd. | (207) 443-8357 | |
Peter Compagna | Media Programmer | pcompagna@cityofbath.com | |
Cemeteries and Parks Division | 1 Oak Grove Ave. | (207) 443-8345 | Fax: 443-8346 |
Walter Kimball | Cemeteries and Parks Foreman | wkimball@cityofbath.com | |
Terry Hanna | Administrative Assistant | thanna@cityofbath.com | |
City Clerk | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8332 | Fax: 443-8333 |
Darci Wheeler | City Clerk | dwheeler@cityofbath.com | |
Christopher Taylor | Deputy City Clerk | ctaylor@cityofbath.com | |
Amanda Yenco | Assistant City Clerk | ayenco@cityofbath.com | |
City Manager | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8330 | Fax: 443-8337 |
Marc Meyers | City Manager | mmeyers@cityofbath.com | |
Erika Helgerson | Executive Assistant/Director of HR | ehelgerson@cityofbath.com | |
Gabrielle Browne | Marketing and Communications | gbrowne@cityofbath.com | |
Codes Enforcement | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8334 | Fax: 443-8389 |
Adam Jones | Codes Enforcement Officer | ajones@cityofbath.com | |
Justin Boden | Assistant Codes Enforcement Officer | jboden@cityofbath.com | |
Debby Labrecque | Administrative Assistant | dlabrecque@cityofbath.com | |
Facilities | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8365 | |
Johnathan Carpenter | Facilities Director | jcarpenter@cityofbath.com | |
Michael Bethea | IT Director | mbethea@cityofbath.com | |
Finance | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8338 | Fax: 443-8397 |
Juli Millett | Assistant City Manager/ Finance Director | jmillett@cityofbath.com | |
Linda McCourt | Deputy Finance Director | lmccourt@cityofbath.com | |
Susan Hunt | Administrative Assistant/Payroll | shunt@cityofbath.com | |
Fire & Rescue | 864 High St. | (207) 443-5034 (business) / 911 (emergency) | Fax: 443-8358 |
Lawrence "Bud" Renaud | Fire Chief | lrenaud@cityofbath.com | |
Chris Cummings | Deputy Fire Chief | ccummings@cityofbath.com | |
Karen Madden | Executive Assistant to the Fire Chief | kmadden@cityofbath.com | |
Forestry | 4 Sheridan Road | (207)443-8360 ext 5230 | |
Jack Hernandez | Arborist | jhernandez@cityofbath.com | |
General Assistance | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8335 | |
Amanda Yenco | GA Coordinator | GAbath@cityofbath.com | |
Parks & Recreation | 4 Sheridan Road | (207) 443-8360 | Fax: 443-8361 |
Steve Balboni | Director | sbalboni@cityofbath.com | |
Dana Delahanty | Assistant Director of Recreation | ddelahanty@cityofbath.com | |
Ann London | Administrative Assistant | bathrec@cityofbath.com | |
Planning & Development | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8363 | Fax: 443-8389 |
Jennifer Curtis | Director of Planning | jcurtis@cityofbath.com | |
Rod Melanson | Director of Sustainability & Environment | rmelanson@cityofbath.com | |
Misty Parker | Director of Economic and Community Development | mparker@cityofbath.com | |
John Rutecki | Assistant City Planner | jrutecki@cityofbath.com | |
Debby Labrecque | Administrative Assistant | dlabrecque@cityofbath.com | |
Police | 250 Water St. | (207) 443-5563 (business)/911 (emergency) | Fax: 443-8343 |
Andrew Booth | Police Chief | abooth@cityofbath.com | |
Michelle Small | Deputy Police Chief | msmall@cityofbath.com | |
Brittany Karkos | Executive Assistant to the Police Chief | bkarkos@cityofbath.com | |
Public Works | 450 Oak Grove Ave. | (207) 443-8357 | Fax: 443-8352 |
Lee Leiner | Public Works Director | lleiner@cityofbath.com | |
Chris Wallace | Deputy Director | cwallace@cityofbath.com | |
Michael Tucker | Administrative Assistant | mtucker@cityofbath.com | |
Amanda Belanger | Scalehouse Operator | abelanger@cityofbath.com | |
Treasurer | 55 Front St. (City Hall) | (207) 443-8340 | Fax: 443-8396 |
Juli Millett | Finance Director | jmillett@cityofbath.com | |
Emily Maillet | Treasurer's Clerk/ Deputy Tax Collector | emaillet@cityofbath.com | |
Water Pollution Control Facility | 1 Town Landing Road | (207) 443-8348 | Fax: 443-8362 |
Lee Leiner | Public Works Director | lleiner@cityofbath.com | |
Bryan Levitt | Superintendent | blevitt@cityofbath.com | |
**PLEASE NOTE: The Bath City Bus is now operated by Western Maine Transportation Services. They can be contacted at 800-393-9335.