, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Employee Policies

Employee Policies

Employee Policies

The purpose of the Personnel Ordinance is to establish a uniform system of personnel administration for the City of Bath that ensures fair and equitable policies and promotes the efficient and economical delivery of public services. This policy includes policies and procedures for employee hiring and advancement, benefits, retirement, discipline, and other related activities.

These policies and procedures are not intended to and do not constitute a binding employment contract with any individual or group of employees.

Personnel Policy - City Ordinance, Chapter 12

Family Medical Leave Policy and FMLA Process Flowchart

Technology Use Policy

The City of Bath takes safety seriously. We strive to ensure proper training, provide safe equipment, and respond effectively to safety complaints. All employees will conduct themselves in a professional manner to assure the safety of all persons and property affected by their actions. This includes activities and behaviors at worksites and at any locations where work is taking place.

Safety Policy

Ergonomics Policy

Slip, Trip, and Fall Policy

Blood Borne Pathogens Policy

Hazard Communication Policy

General Information
55 Front Street

Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM