, City of Bath, Maine - Official Website - Climate Action Commission

Climate Action Commission

Who we are

The Climate Action Commission was established to promote practices to reduce the effects of climate change through legislation, preparation, and education. Since its creation, the commission has focused its efforts on updating the Climate Resolution, supporting the City's climate actions, and facilitating the creation of the Resilient Bath Climate Action Plan.


John Zittel (At Large) *Co-ChairJune 2026
Laura Walters (At Large)June 2026
Paul Perkins (Solid Waste Advisory Committee) * Co-ChairJuly 2026
Connor English (Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transportation Committee Rep)
Nancy Sferra (Forestry Committee Rep)
Ruth Indrick (KELT Rep)
Jane Nordmann (City Council Rep)Annual Appt.
Megan Mansfield-Pryor (City Council Rep)Annual Appt.

Membership updated 01-01-2025

Find Committee Minutes and Agendas Here 

This is a standing Commission that meets the first Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall. Appointments are determined by position. Terms are indefinite.  If you would like to attend or suggest an agenda item for the full Committee Meeting, please notify John Zittel Committee Co-Chair at jzittel@outlook.com or Director of Sustainability & Environment, Rod Melanson, at rmelanson@cityofbath.com

Climate Action Plan Resources

Agendas and Minutes Archive

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
55 Front Street

Monday - Thursday
7:30AM - 5:00PM