Property owners who reside in Maine may be eligible for one or more of the following property tax exemptions. A property tax exemption reduces the taxable valuation of your property.
Homestead Exemption: A reduction of up to $25,000 in the taxable value of your property. Applicant is eligible for only one homestead exemption on primary residence, and must have owned the home for at least one year before the April 1 of the year the application takes effect. Application deadline: April 1.
Blind Persons Exemption: A reduction of up to $4,000 in the taxable value of your property. Requires a physician to certify applicant is legally blind. Application deadline: April 1.
Veteran's Exemption: A reduction of up to $6,000 in the taxable value of your property. Requires that the applicant to be age 62 or considered 100% disabled, and to have served during specific federally recognized war periods. Paraplegic veterans are entitled to a higher exemption account. Application deadline: April 1.
Veteran's Survivor Exemption: A reduction of up to $6,000 in the taxable value of your property. Requires the veteran to have served during specific federally recognized war periods. Additional information for surviving spouses, minor children and parents of veterans can be found in the Maine Revenue Services bulletin above. Application deadline: Generally April 1 of each year, although assessor may allow application at other times if within twelve months of the veteran's death. Survivors of paraplegic veterans are entitled to a higher exemption amount.
Renewable Energy Equipment Exemption: This exemption applies to renewable energy equipment, such as solar panels. The amount of the exemption varies depending on the contribution the equipment makes to a property's valuation. Bath does not itemize solar panels in its property assessments, and the amount of the exemption is estimated based on state guidelines and may change annually. The application requires a significant amount of technical information that is best obtained from the installer of your equipment. Application deadline: April 1
These exemptions all appear on your tax bill as reductions in the taxable valuation of your property. Generally, you need only apply once for these exemptions; they will automatically continue in future years. You need only reapply if your primary residence changes. If any of the above links appear to be broken, please see this Maine Revenue Services directory page.
If you have any question regarding these exemptions, please contact our office.