Sewer Rates

City of Bath Sewer Rate Structure as of July 1, 2023:

Quarterly Based on Bath Water District Meter Readings
Minimum charge per quarter$65.55
Volume upon which minimum charge is based600 CF
Additional charge per 100 cf of volume in excess of minimum volume$11.10
New sewer connection fee$2,500.00
Betterment fee$1000.00
Impact fee$16.50/GPD of new sewage flow
Monthly Based on Bath Water District Meter Readings
Minimum charge per month$22.15
Volume upon which minimum charge is based200 CF
Additional charge per 100 cf of volume in excess of minimum volume$11.10
Facilities Based on Flat Water Rates or Individual Wells
Flat quarterly rate for users on wells (based on 2000 cf/quarter)$203.50
Volume upon which minimum flat quarterly rate is based2000 cf
Significant Industrial User/Septage Disposal
Charge per 100 CF of volume directly metered$11.22
Septage disposal (per 1,000 gallons)$155.00
Special Waste Fee (per gallon)$1.00
Other Fees
Catch Basin Fees (per quarter)$400.00
Drain Layers License$100.00
Inspection Fee$0.00
After-hours Inspection Fee$135.00
Sewer Tie Deposit$50.00
New sewer connection fee
Betterment fee
Impact fee
$18.15/GPD of new sewage flow

General Information
Phone Numbers
207-443-8357 207-443-8200 (after hours)
Fax: 207-443-8352
Emergencies: Dial 911
450 Oak Grove Avenue

Monday - Friday, 6:30AM - 2:30PM